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ally espionage

Politics; International politics

This term refers to the event on spying of the United States on its ally.


Entertainment; Movies

Used to describe actor Vin Diesel when he breaks away from his typical role of mediocre acting in an action film and gives an ...


Language; Slang

While this might mean to make a shrill cry, or to laugh or talk in a shrill manner, or even the act of a large group of women in ...


Language; Internet memes

Thanks to the clever journalist who coined 'Brangelina' many years ago, the world has developed an insatiable thirst for more ...

catch some rays

Language; Slang

When someone tells you : "I'm going to lie on the beach and catch some rays" he means he's going to get some sunshine.


Science; General science

The act of thoroughly enjoying deductive reasoning to a point where you 'get off' when you deduce correctly.

special relativity plus

Physics; Quantum mechanics

Special relativity plus is an extension of Albert Einstein's special theory of relativity (STR) concerning mass-energy ...


Language; World languages

It's a combination between two languages , Arabic and English and it's used when someone's mood isn't that good or when someone ...


Internet; Social media

"Human fidelity": a system of connecting to people around you in public places when the internet is not accessible by wi-fi ...


Organizations; Networking

An individual account created on facebook stating a person's basic information as birth date, birth place, and pictures as a ...


Communication; Corporate communications

One who's been stripped of their right to some privilege in such a way as to berate or demean them. Also, the resultant feelings ...

bare reading

Education; Special education

The practice of reading while in the nude. Practioners believe that bare reading allows the mind to be free of the unnecessary ...

Human advancements demand new terms.

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