American Society for Quality
Industry: Quality management
Number of terms: 21751
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
American Society for Quality (ASQ) is a global community of quality management professionals. Established in 1946 as the American Society for Quality Control (ASQC) in response to the need to sustain the many quality-improvement techniques used manufacturing during World War II, the organization ...
Nonparametric test võrrelda kolme või enama proovi. Testib null hüpotees, et kõik populatsioonid on identsed jaotamise funktsioone vastu alternatiivne hüpotees väidab, et vähemalt üks erineb ainult seoses asukoht (mediaan), kui üldse. On dispersioonanalüüsi kasutatakse F-test analoog. Kuigi dispersioonanalüüsi testid sõltuvad eeldusel, et kõik populatsioonid võrdluse alusel jaotatakse tavaliselt Kruskal-Wallis katse toob selline piirang võrdlus. On loogiline jätk Wilcoxon Mann-Whitney Test.
Industry:Quality management
A name for the source of variation in a process that is not due to chance and therefore can be identified and eliminated. Also called “special cause.”
Industry:Quality management
Um gráfico com limites de controle superior e inferior, na qual valores de alguma medida estatística de uma série de amostras ou subgrupos são plotados. Freqüentemente o gráfico mostra uma linha central para ajudar a detectar uma tendência de valores plotados para qualquer limite de controle.
Industry:Quality management
Gráfico de contagem por unidade.
Industry:Quality management
Uma cooperativa de organismos de acreditação do laboratório.
Industry:Quality management
Ülemise ja alumise juhtelemendi piirangutega, mis on kantud diagrammile mõned mõõtmiseks seeria proove või alarühmade väärtused diagrammi. Skeem on sageli näitab keskne liin aidata avastada trend diagrammile kantud väärtuste kas kontrolli piiri poole.
Industry:Quality management
Qualsevol recurs que la capacitat és igual o inferior a la demanda col. locat en ell.
Industry:Quality management
A Big Three automotive process that defines the generic requirements for approval of production parts, including production and bulk materials. Its purpose is to determine during an actual production run at the quoted production rates whether all customer engineering design record and specification requirements are properly understood by the supplier and that the process has the potential to produce product consistently meeting these requirements.
Industry:Quality management
Sampling inspection in which inspection of the sample is stopped as soon as a decision is certain. Thus, as soon as the rejection number for defectives is reached, the decision is certain and no further inspection is necessary. In single sampling, however, the whole sample is usually inspected in order to have an unbiased record of quality history. This same practice is usually followed for the first sample in double or multiple sampling.
Industry:Quality management
Termín prvýkrát používaný na opísať riadenia prístupu k zlepšovaniu kvality. Odvtedy TQM prevzala mnoho významov. Jednoducho povedané, je to riadene na dlhodobý úspech prostredníctvom spokojnosť zákazníka. TQM je založený na všetkých členov organizácie zúčastňujú zlepšovanie procesov, produktov, služieb a kultúry, v ktorom pracujú. Metódy pre zavádzanie tohto prístupu sa nachádzajú v učení také kvalitné vodcovia ako Philip B. Crosby, W. Edwards Deming, V. Armand Feigenbaum, Kaoru Ishikawa a Joseph M. Juran.
Industry:Quality management