Home > Blossary: The strangest diseases
Have you ever been dissatisfied with your life or have complained because of a disability condition that prevents you from doing things you’d like to do? Just be glad that you don’t have any of the rare conditions on this list.

Category: Health

23 Terms

Created by: marija.horvat

Number of Blossarys: 21

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This is a mental disorder where the individual is under the delusion that a person, normally someone close to them such as a close family member or spouse has been replaced by an identical looking ...

Domain: Health care; Category: Diseases

Cotard's Syndrome (often called Walking Corpse Syndrome) is a rare mental disorder in which a person thinks that they're dead or that they don't have a soul. This disorder is believed to be linked to ...

Domain: Health care; Category: Diseases

Congenital Insensitivity to Pain is a disease in which patients feel no pain. It's a rare disorder, but it does exist. Its cause is that there are too many endorphins being released to the brain at ...

Domain: Health care; Category: Diseases

This is a disease where there is unusual bone growth of the skin and head causing the individual with the disease to look deformed. The syndrome often precedes tumors all over the person's body. This ...

Domain: Health care; Category: Diseases

Cutaneous Porphyria is also often referred to as the "Vampire Disease". It's actually a deficiency of enzymes in the body. The main symptom and inconvenience with this disease is that when the person ...

Domain: Health care; Category: Diseases

The Jumping Frenchman of Maine Disorder s a disease that affects the neurological center. A person with this condition will overreact or have an exaggerated reaction when startled. If a person ...

Domain: Health care; Category: Diseases

True Hermaphroditism is a disease in which a person is born with both male and female reproductive organs. Hermaphrodites are usually born with smaller and not completely formed genitals and ...

Domain: Health care; Category: Diseases

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